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Books with Out-of-this-World Jewish Grandparents

This bundle contains one copy each of Asteroid Goldberg: Passover In Outer Space and Bubbe And Bart´s Matzoh Ball Mayhem.
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"Active cartoon illustrations of a rambunctious pooch and a hip grandmother in jeans and Converse high-tops add to the pandemonium."
- Kirkus Reviews
Full Description
This bundle contains one copy each of Asteroid Goldberg: Passover In Outer Space and Bubbe And Bart´s Matzoh Ball Mayhem.

In Asteroid Goldberg: Passover In Outer Space, the reader meets Grandma Luna who bikes on Mars.

And in Bubbe And Bart´s Matzoh Ball Mayhem, the reader meets Bubbe who, in her pigtails and high tops, chases after magical flying matzoh balls alongside her boisterous puppy Bart. ('Cause a puppy's a Bubbe's best friend!)

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