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For Families

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Such A Library Game!

Immerse yourself in the Such a Library! book by taking a photo of yourself and decorating the image using the objects and characters! Or choose from three characters and dress them up.

Click the button below and get ready to have fun playing the Such a Library! game.

Showcase of Jewish Creativity

We are so excited about our newest book, DIJ - DO IT JEWISH: USE YOtUR JEWISH CREATIVITY by Barbara Bietz & illustrated by Daria Grinevich. This wonderfully unique book encourages you to use your Jewish creativity.

And we would like to give you a special place to share your wonderful Jewish creativity. So if you have created a Jewish cartoon, recipe, film, painting, story, dance, ritual item or something else Jewishly creative, we invite you to share it with us, so that we can share it with our readers.

Parents of DIJ readers who would like to submit examples of their child's Jewish creativity to our "Showcase of Jewish Creativity" are welcome to submit the following information to:

How to Sumbit to the Showcase

Parents of DIJ readers who would like to submit examples of their child's Jewish creativity to our "Showcase of Jewish Creativity" are welcome to submit the following information to:

Email Us at 
creativity at intergalacticafikoman.com


In Your Email Include:
• Creator's First Name
• Creator's Age
• Creator's State or Country
• Parent / Guardian Email
• Parent Guardian Permission for Publication
• And your wonderful example of Jewish creativity!
  (This can be sent as an attachment)

Header image by Merrill Rainey

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